Immigration Resources
Information Services
IRIS Project Colorado
Arboretum Coffee - This is a coffee shop that provides training and employment specifically through a paid apprenticeship program for immigrants and refugees in Northern Colorado. Arboretum Coffee is funded by private contributions
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition - Colorado driver’s license assistance for undocumented Coloradans (I Drive Colorado/Yo Manejo Colorado)
Casa de Paz- shelter, meals, transportation, and emotional support for immigrants released from detention and families of detained immigrants
International Rescue Committee – Denver - for any refugees or immigrants: financial counseling; for qualified immigrants and refugees: employment training counseling and assistance; job development, social services for community support
Immigration and Refugee Center of Northern Colorado - community navigation help with one on one assistance in native language
Lutheran Family Services - job preparation, neighborhood based programs for newly arrived refugees, women’s skills programs, community work experience program
Immigrant Defense Project - emergency preparedness plan if you or a loved one are at risk of deportation (plan for legal, medical, childcare, financial, bond hearing advocacy, immigration raids)
BOOKS UNBOUND - learning materials for refugee and migrant communities - specifically the Afghan, Rohingya, and Ukrainian peoples. Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, BOOKS UNBOUND online shop
Colorado People’s Alliance - legal rights training; provides education in schools upon request; citizenship classes
Lutheran Family Services - English as as second language (ESL)
Intercambio - Boulder County - English as as second language (ESL), immigrant guidebook
Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition - citizenship workshop
American Civil Liberties Union - legal rights training, speaker’s bureau and immigration training manuals
Immigration and Refugee Center of Northern Colorado - English as second language (ESL) for learners and ESL training for teachers
International Rescue Committee – Denver - children’s education
Lutheran Family Services - vocation training, school children’s programs, summer language camp for youth, financial education training
BoulderReads - English reading and writing skills, family literacy, conversations in English, high school equivalency exams, life skills